Audio Control

Audio Control v1.7.9.4 Apk - Total Sound Control

Audio Control provides an amazing and unique volume management experience.

Audio Control has 5 components: Profiles, Schedules, Exceptions, Quick and custom Vibration. Each provides a unique way to control how your phone sounds and behaves.

A complete tutorial can be found at:

The purpose of Audio Control is to allow you to create and manage unique audio profiles and switch between them with ease. When a profile is applies all the sounds of the device will change to match that profile.


? Separate Notification and Ringer volumes for ICS/JB devices
? 12 Widgets that are completely customizable
? Schedule all device sounds by day and time
? 10 Shortcuts to access any part of Audio Control or apply a profile quickly
? Profile widget that is resizable and can have multiple instances
? Download FREE custom widget background or make and share your own from the developers website
? A separate speakerphone volume for when the speakerphone is too loud or quiet
? Profiles for Headsets (Bluetooth and Wired)
? Locale and Tasker support for scheduling by location and more!* (Requires Locale or Tasker app)
? Complete Tutorial so you don�t miss out on anything
? Tablet optimized
? Car Mode Profile
? Never miss a text or phone call "Exceptions" which will auto adjust the volume
? Adjust the device volume settings for a short period of time with "Quick" great for meetings or naps!
? Custom vibration patterns for any installed application (ICS+ only)
? Attach a ringtone to an Audio Profile
Audio Control

Profiles are a way to save and restore audio profiles, with one tap put your phone on Silent, Vibrate, Loud, Sleep, or whatever you can imagine.

Schedules provide a way to apply your audio profiles by day and time. For example apply a Sleep profile every night before bed. Or a work profile before you arrive to work.

Quick will apply a profile for a short pre-determined time and then apply a different profile when that time is up. Useful for those quick meetings the boss surprises you with.

Exceptions are a great way to never miss a phone call or SMS (Text) message. Add a contact to exceptions and when they contact you a profile will apply just moments before so you don�t miss them. "Go SMS Pro" not supported.

Widgets and Shortcuts are a great way to access any part of Audio Control from your home screen. Apply a profile with only one click! There are lots of widget and shortcut options to choose from, so don�t miss out!

Free widget background packs can be found by visiting:

English (Thanks Me!)
Spanish (Thanks Cory)
French (Thanks ModsZilla)
Dutch (Thanks Stijn)
Hungarian (Thanks Attila)

If you would like to translate Audio Control please send me an email!


READ_PHONE_STATE lets the app know when a phone call has started
MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS modifies the audio settings
VIBRATE lets the phone vibrate when the option is selected
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to create a file and use optional widget backgrounds
WRITE_INTERNAL_STORAGE to create a file and use optional widget backgrounds
RECEIVE_SMS used in "Exceptions" to know when a SMS message is received
READ_PHONE_STATE used in "Exceptions" to know when a phone call is received
READ_CONTACTS used in "Exceptions" to know what contact to use
BLUETOOTH is used to apply profiles when a bluetooth headset is activated and deactivated
Audio Control


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